Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Achilles Update - Tentative steps forward

It was only a week ago that I was taking my first few, tentative steps after getting off crutches. They were tentative because they hurt so damn much because my ankle was so stiff and stuck in a toes pointed position so that I literally couldn’t put my foot flat on the ground. It felt like two steps forwards, one step back. For the first couple of days officially off crutches, I actually needed them to be able to get around!!

It was hard to explain what was limiting my movement – it wasn’t specifically the Achilles, just the whole ankle – and this has became the first challenge of the recovery, to get my range of motion back.

The scar has healed really well, and is a lot less gruesome than it was. It took a few days to “seal” up fully but now it has I’m up to applying Vitamin E cream on it to help it recover. Additionally, there’s minimal general swelling of the foot and ankle, which is a big relief, although the area around the operation site is puffy, which is to be expected.

One week after having stitches out, it's looking good.

I saw a physio last Friday for the first of many future appointments. Rosie is really on the ball and was great in being able to explain what will occur over time, what I can expect and the check-points we’re aiming to achieve along the way. She’s good friends with my original, referring doctor (Dr. Karen Holzer) so in effect I’ll benefit from their combined knowledge and expertise. I’m fully expecting her to inflict some pain along the way…physios have a way of finding pain where you thought there was none!!

Day-to-day I’m getting around in CAM (Controlled Ankle Motion) walker boot, which helps to immobilise the joint and prevent me from making any sudden – and damaging – movements. It’s relatively comfortable but is a little higher than my shoe which gives a funny feeling of being unbalanced!! I don’t wear it at home much but walk very carefully to continue the process of getting range of motion back.

 The CAM walker boot. Straps go around to hold my leg immobile.

Overall it’s all going well – the scar, the swelling, range of motion and more – and although it’s slow I can see progress almost from day to day. The next big milestone will be getting out of the boot, but that’s still a few weeks away. For the moment I’m enjoying being able to do some exercise again – swimming – and slowly getting some fitness back. Everything is going in the right direction.

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