Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year running resolutions

Here is a little article I wrote for

This year I'm going to be more of a runner.
This year the early morning darkness will not put me off. Neither will bad weather…unless it's really bad.
This year training will be a priority, rather than an after thought.
This year I will pack my running bag the night before, and perhaps even have a check-list so I don't forget basic things…like shoes.
This year I'll wash my running clothes more often.
Thie year I'll buy more running clothes I can wear that I can wash more often.
This year my running clothes will actually be running clothes, and perhaps even be matching. Sometimes.
This year I won't committ any fashion faux pas, like pants over pants, compression socks, cotton race t-shirts, football shorts and headbands.
This year I will learn how to run so I look a bit like a Kenyan, except they run a lot, lot faster.
This year I will do more races and not get nervous and anxious before all of them.
This year I won't rely on the porta-loos before the race, except if I'm nervous and anxious.
This year the races I do will be far and wide, long and short, up and down, and round and round.
This year I will get to know the people I see often at other races.
This year I will join a training group, and learn the language of running.
This year I won't be afraid of blowing up at training, or being out of my depth, or not being able to keep up.
This year I will do more stretching…maybe even do as much as should be doing.
This year I will be a strong runner, so you can actually see my muscles in race photos.
This year I might buy some race photos, especially ones you can see my muscles in.
This year my diet will be a lot better.
This year I will learn to like sports drinks, sports bars and possibly gels…even though they resemble snot.
This year I will take my lunch to work more often, rather than buying take aways.
This year I will swap my café loyalty card for a gym membership card.
This year I will learn what how it feels when you muscles burn.
This year I will learn how it feels to be out of breath and my heart to be jumping out of my chest.
This year I will enjoy the feeling of being tired.
This year I will run as hard and fast as I can.
This year I'm going to be more of a runner.

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