I do love running and I'm grateful to even be doing some of it at the moment...but the effort of climbing those goddam steep hills on legs already tired from cumulative running fatigue, fills me with a sense of anxiety and dread for the kilometers and hills ahead. Each Saturday when I finish, along with my tired and stiff legs, the relief is measurable, until I think ahead 7 days to the next encounter.
Over the last four weekends this month I've done three assaults on the One Tree Hill loop (the Two Bays Trail Race was on the other weekend), a loop which was the scene of an epic bonk on the first weekend. Perhaps scarred by that memory I haven't tried a full three laps again, changing course after two laps to something slightly more moderate, by comparison, at least!!
So training has been going pretty well during January, getting in consistent and pretty good miles. Bleary eyes, tired legs and very slow morning starts are the standard, but much to my surprise a couple of niggles I've had during the month have actually improved, which is a great relief both physically and mentally. I concluded that being stiff in the morning is part of being old(er) and doing a lot of running, but things warm up after 5-10-15 or maybe 20 mins of shuffle at the beginning of each run.

Then there is the Saturday long run in the Dandenongs...my weekly nightmare. I started the 6ft campaign with the goals of doing 40km+ and 2000m+ ascent in a single run, plus running > 60km across Saturday and Sunday. For these three non-race weekends I've ticked the 40km+ box (45km each), also the > 60km box (62-65km) but according to both my Garmin GPS watch and the SportsTracks software I download it to, have only come as close as 19m short of the 2000m+ ascent box. So near yet so far...and it bugs me a little...but hurts my brain to think what it will take to get those 2000m+...

Something I have learned from doing these weekend runs is that I am never going to be signing up for an ultra marathon. Even the 6ft Track Marathon at 45km is pushing my boundary...I couldn't even think of doing more more, with 50km really being the entry point for being an ultra runner. As much as I love running, I'm learning there can be too much of a good thing, even if the surrounding trails are lovely.
The other thing I've learned - and loved - is just how gooood a large chocolate Big-M (or two) tastes on the drive home!! Mmmmmmmmm.
So it's onwards from here. Less than 6 weeks until 6ft, but still plenty of run training to go...
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