4 weeks ago I got married to the wonderful Ms A at fantastic wedding with all our family and best friends - it was a highlight in so many ways. Married life so far is going pretty well!!
Anyway, our speeches were in a couple of parts each, as a kind of tag team effort. Here is what I said...quite long, and in 2 parts...put here for posterity!!
Part 1
A long time ago I remember watching the TV adaptation of "The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy", where the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything turned out to be 42. So maybe it was meant to be that now, in my 42nd year, I'm standing here next to my beautiful bride - my "wifey" - who has become my answer to life, the universe and everything. But just like in the TV series, the answer took a long time to find, and even just 2 years ago this day would have seemed unreal...and it still does.
Anyone who has known me for more than 5 minutes will know I like to pack a lot into life, with an all or nothing kind of approach. I've done things my way and I've enjoyed every minute of it, albeit with a tinge of emptiness at being a solo rider. But over time I learned to adapt and enjoy the company of the people around me...and it wasn't as if still being single was for lack of effort. I often pondered if I was single because I was busy, or I was busy because I was single. Whatever.
As it's already been explained, Andrea and I met in hyperspace - the internet - which we'd both tried for some time and gathered an encyclopaedia of experiences from. Andrea had even called in her mum to help out, who I'm told acted as her virtual agent to conjure up a match...if only those unwitting fellows had known!!! Anyway, we were both familiar with the routine of initial contact, email, phone call and then, possibly, actually meeting up in person. Like a punter who goes back for lotto tickets in search of the jackpot prize, for us that would be finding someone we'd last more than a few dates with...perhaps even a lifetime.
Before we first met Andrea had a huge advantage since my name is unique on Google - plus, having a blog and a web-site is hardly being anonymous - and she duly did some research which amazingly didn't put her off. But try trying to find one Andrea Smith is like searching for a needle in a haystack...I didn't even bother trying. Nonetheless she seemed to be a good sort, and after a lengthy phone call on a Saturday evening in January last year we lined up a courageous dinner at one of Melbourne's favourite dining establishments, the Vegie Bar.
They say first encounters count for a lot and I remember meeting her for the first time as we happened to be standing side-by-side to cross the road to said dining venue. Somehow we immediately knew who each other was, and my first impression was of her lovely smile, and warm and friendly voice. Suffice to say, dinner went well and I was pleased to learn she eats pretty much anything - what a girl!!!
Now I'm not sure who she told what about this date, but I reckon her mum knew what was going on, in fact she'd probably done some due diligence work of her own!!! From my end, I kept hush until there was something definite to actually report on...which came the next weekend after a Zoo Twilight concert, helped nicely by a cold evening where body warmth was invaluable. It was here I made the first mistake of our fledgling relationship, telling Andrea that in my experience the best way to warm your hands up is to put them against skin, under a jumper or something. I failed to point out, however, that your own skin is the best choice, and continue to suffer the daily torment of cold hands up my shirt...
Anyway, our second date at the zoo was great and it was the next day while at the tennis with Darren that I said to him, "I've met a girl.". He was probably thinking "yeah, yeah..." knowing my history in that regard, but being the optimistic person I am, could only see the good in her...which I still do. Each date reinforced that she was a great catch, and word eventually spread through my family that Cam has met a girl...and she even likes him, too!!!
Less than 2 months in and Andrea showed a huge vote of confidence by coming on a trip to the Blue Mountains in NSW while I did a running race, which was fantastic. Not only was she supportive but she was also a great omen since I ran well...she was a keeper for sure!!!
We had a relationship test soon after while she went on a 6 week overseas trip...during which I really did miss her...and in particular when she returned to post-holiday blues that clashed with my diagnosis of chronic achilles problems requiring surgery. Wham bam. That weekend was heavy going. But what a girl she was a few weeks later when she picked me up from hospital, taxi'd me around, cared for me and more. Her true colours of caring and warmth shone brightly.
Around this time we started meeting each other's family and friends. The contrast was that Andrea had given detailed briefings to each of them about me before meeting, whereas I kind of threw her out there to fend for herself...and she passed with flying colours. Everyone loves Andrea, and I keep getting told that she's way out of my league, which is lovely to know...but just don't tell her that too often!!! I think our friends all gave mutual approval, and I look forward to seeing more of Andrea's friends over time.
It's been especially lovely being welcomed into the Smith clan, or at least this instance of the Smith clan!! Their welcome and hospitality has shown no bounds, and I couldn't ask for better in-laws, not to mention the instant family of 5 young nephews. They are a wonderful family unit with a lot of similarities to the Maffetts, which is perhaps why Andrea and I share so many values in common.
Time marched on and I think we both sensed this might be a long-term deal, enjoying some trips away driving and walking in different places around Victoria. We became more comfortable and familiar with each other...out went the designer pyjamas and in came the flannel ones. Yet there haven't been any times when I've thought "Oh no" about her, and in fact, keep seeing things that make me so happy that she actually likes me for who I am...it's a little surreal. We've both got full lives and so combining them is a little like having the best of each.
Everyone just expects that Andrea is also a self-absorbed and obsessed sports jock, but she's not, which is a good thing because I don't think I'd get along with someone like me!! One of her great qualities is her compassion and understanding - which I've certainly put to the test - and that she's open minded and supportive, which makes her so easy to get on with a like. She supports me in a way that I aspire to do for her into the future. In late breaking news, however, Andrea and Erica did their first ever fun run last month and are marking their calendars with more events coming up!!!
Then, of course, came the engagement in March. In all honesty, I'd been planning this for months, since well before Christmas, with a trip to NZ seeming to be great timing, not to mention a spectacular setting. I finally narrowed it down to the Wednesday and as we walked up a hill nearby Queenstown which promised a great view, I thought inside this would be the time - remote, alone and crisp with the fresh air. So imagine my dismay when we get to the top and find two telecom workers doing maintenance work on the towers!!!! Dammit.
Undeterred from my mission...we had some friendly chat with the workers before I pointed us to a rock a little distance away to sit on, with an amazing view before us. Now the build up to this moment had some of the markings of a Mills and Boon novel, but my execution of the proposal didn't...and neither did the pause Andrea made before even acknowledging I'd said something!! While I don't recall it being an emphatic "yes", I took the "That would be lovely" to mean the same thing. So the deed was done and the walk back down to our campervan was full of planning for this day, with a series of phone calls that evening to family - and a rare Facebook update - confirming it all to the world.
But getting engaged wasn't enough because we needed to find a home to live in, realising neither of our pads would be ideal. So we also entered the real estate market in selling our two houses and buying a common one...not quite in that order, but with the same outcome. To cut a long story short, all this happened from March to July and we finally moved into our new house, the Chateau de Northcote, only 5 weeks ago. It is huge, big and roomy...literally...we've got 13 people bunkered in there this weekend. But more than that, it is Andrea and Campbell's house - our home - that will last a lifetime. We hope you can all come and visit us sometime.
So here we are today - and our speeches are not quite finished yet - where being the centre of attention is what neither of us usually seek out, or are comfortable with. But it is wonderfully exciting to be married to such an amazing girl, and to have all our family and friends here to help celebrate it. Thank-you so much for coming.
Now it's back to Andrea for the next part.
Part 2
My horoscope last Sunday read something like “blah blah blah”, and finished with the sentence, “Don’t expect to keep a romantic liaison private”. I guess it could only be referring to this day!!
Tomorrow we start the rest of our lives as a married couple – with these rings on our fingers – which is both exciting and a little daunting. Exciting because I cannot think of the better person hang out with as I get older and saggier, but daunting because there is so much to learn about this whole marriage deal.
However I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge, and the promise of this one is way over and above anything else that whatever it takes will be worth it, however much effort it involves.
So far we’ve been shacked up together for 5 weeks of learning each other’s habits, deciding which way the toilet roll should go, who does the cooking and cleaning, and also just enjoying being together. It all feels a bit like a fairy tale, but it’s real and it’s our new lives.
I love that there’s someone who I want and need to care for, to say good morning to and kiss goodnight. It fulfils the basic need of wanting to love and be loved, and in Andrea I’ve found just that person. She’s caring, thoughtful, friendly, laughs at my jokes and straightens my moral compass.
I love you for who you are and what you bring out in me…however I don’t think you’ll ever convert me to coffee.
There’s a movie line I’ve always wanted the reason to use in real life, and with Andrea I think I could have used it right from the start…“You had me at hello.”
Ahead of us is so much to look forward to. We’ve got wonderful families, great friends an amazing house to live in and more. Whenever kids arrive it will be fun to visit the nearby parks and chase them up and down the stairs…which will also be great training for the Olympic athletes I know they’re going to become.
A characteristic I’ve learned that most athletes have is that they’re always optimistic and striving to better themselves – that’s what I want to do in our relationship, to be a better husband and person. It’s taken a long time to become some kind of marriage material, and Andrea is my motivation to keep working it.
It will take us a lot of work and effort, and we’ll have some slip-ups at times, but I think that as long as we’re always looking ahead to how we want things to be then we can’t go wrong. If we need role models then we only need look to our parents for guidance – with almost 90 years of combined marriage between them.
So come with me, Andrea, as we set off on an amazing journey that I’m privileged to share with you.